Dahlias delight at autumn show in Rudgwick

Rikkyo pupils guess the weight of the pumpkin SUS-150922-114043001Rikkyo pupils guess the weight of the pumpkin SUS-150922-114043001
Rikkyo pupils guess the weight of the pumpkin SUS-150922-114043001
The Ellens Green & Rudgwick Gardening Association Autumn Show, held in the Ellens Green Village Hall on Saturday September 12, proved to be a very successful gathering of local horticultural and artistic talent.

Summer still lingered in the hall, where visitors viewed a riot of colourful dahlias, roses, shrubs, fruit and vegetables. The local art group exhibited some of their year’s work carried out in a variety of media such as acrylic and watercolour. Home fare exhibits included Woolton Pie based on a wartime recipe to mark the Association’s 70th anniversary.

Association Chairman Michael Clarke commented: “No meteorological year is ever perfect for gardeners but 2015 provided a first class selection of prize-winning flowers and vegetables. We were particularly pleased that the girls from Rikkyo School submitted floral arrangements. Their exhibits were stunning.”

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